Monday, June 19, 2006

End of Days

Today K finished elementary school. I attended the awards ceremony and watched as he traipsed up and down the gymnasium bleachers to take ten different certificates, including the Presidential Award for Academic Excellence and four terms on the high honor roll! The boy did well! It was not really a surprise for him to collect certificates for music and band, but for him to get an art award two years in a row is astonishing. He claims to hate art! What's up with that? Anyway, like any parent, I'm proud of his achievements. He really is a good kid, and he's come a long way since starting school in America four years ago. He didn't have the language arts skills back then, but has risen to the challenge. Way to go, K!

After the awards ceremony, he headed back to class for a final ice cream party with classmates. His class won the school spirit award for their overall participation in spirit events throughout the year. I headed in to work, arriving around 10:50.

Lunch hour was racquetball time. First I played with Jim, losing barely in a 19-17 finale. Then I played with Joe and won 16-14. Overall, a good day.

Now, we are moving into the last day before our Japan trip. F is tired and exhausted. A lot is done, but the final day before leaving is usually her most stressful. Nothing new, just roll with it, and try not to forget anything.

Strewn across the lawn
Like battlefield warriors
Severed blades of grass


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